International Academy of Magic Roleplay Wiki

Forums: Wand Request > Sophia Shadow - Wand Request

In relation to your peers, would you describe yourself as:

On the Taller side

Average height

A little Short

Select the traits the fit you:








Your path in life is forked, which route do you take:

The Sea

The Forest

The unbeaten path

In relation to what you fear most would you choose:


The Dark





List your hobbies or interests (Magical or muggle):

Sophia and the other children including Adora, Sam and Luke Storm the Alpha's son, were given extensive combat training while with the with the Mayor the Alpha and his wife to be a "soldier" for the pack and the town, it includes martial arts, acrobatics, infiltration, marksmanship with many weapons, and maybe computer technology. Sophia, is an exceptionally strong and astute fighter. Sophia due to her change or flip is became more alert. Like Adora, Sophia is extremely fast, and has heightened senses.

Like Adora, Sophia is just as  courageous, brave,nerve and chivalry and loyal and very protective. I fight for what I believe in. She is also noble and sometimes humble. She also has to be fearless.

  • protective, loyal, spirited, courageous, fearless and hard-working

Briefly explain how you want other people to think of you

Sophia courages, brave,nerve and chivalry, fearless and loyal. I fight for what I believe in, will fight anyone who try to take Luke away from her. Luke is her boyfriend/Mate. She is noble and sometimes humble. Sophia is strongly guided by her own conscience, and has a keen feeling of what is right and wrong.  Sophia, sometimes known as Sophia Shadow, is Sarcastic, tough, and yet deeply caring teenager, but also became more alert. She also stubborn. Like Adora, Sophia is extremely fast, and has heightened senses.

Sophia is nice, friendly, sweet, all round nice girl, always willing to help her friends. Always ready with a sarcastic remark. If angered, she can be extremely dangerous and will fight anyone who try to take Luke away from her. Luke is her boyfriend/Mate. 

Please list here any suggestions you have for your wand wood, size or core: (Wand Options)
Length: 11

Flexibility: flexible

Core: Phoenix Feather and Dragon Heartstring

Wood: Holly Wood or Blackthorn

Roleplayed by:

(Insert Username/signature or ~~~)

Emerald Phoenix (talk) 20:44, February 5, 2014 (UTC)

Timestamp :

(Insert 5 ~~~~~)

Emerald Phoenix (talk) 20:44, February 5, 2014 (UTC)